Übersichtsarbeiten - OUP 06/2014

Behandlung der begleitenden Innenbandverletzung bei der VKB-Ruptur des Athleten
Ungelöste Probleme und neue TherapiekonzepteUnsolved problems and new therapy concepts

26. Hughston JC. The importance of the posterior oblique ligament in repairs of acute tears of the medial ligaments in knees with and without an associated rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament. Results of long-term follow–up. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1994; 76: 1328–1344

27. Perryman JR, Hershman EB. The acute management of soft tissue injuries of the knee. Orthop Clin North Am 2002; 33: 575–85

28. Jacobson KE. Technical pitfalls of collateral ligament surgery. Clin Sports Med 1999; 18: 847–82

29. Cox JS. Symposium: functional rehabilitation of isolated medial collateral ligament sprains. Injury nomenclature. Am J Sports Med 1979; 7: 211–3

30. Papalia R, Osti L, Del Buono A et al. Management of combined ACL-MCL tears: a systematic review. Br Med Bull 2010; 93: 201–15

31. Aglietti P, Buzzi R, Zaccherotti G et al. Operative treatment of acute complete lesions of the anterior cruciate and medial collateral ligaments: A 4– to 7-year follow-up study. Am J Knee Surg 1991; 4: 186–194

32. Andersson C, Gillquist J. Treatment of acute isolated and combined ruptures of the anterior cruciate ligament. A long term follow-up study. Am J Sports Med 1992; 20: 7–12

33. Yoshiya S, Kuroda R, Mizuno K et al. Medial collateral ligament reconstruction using autogenous hamstring tendons: Technique and results in initial cases. Am J Sports Med 2005; 33: 1380–1385

34. Abramowitch SD, Yagi M, Tsuda E et al. The healing medial collateral ligament following a combined anterior cruciate and medial collateral ligament injury: abiomechanical study in a goat model. J Orthop Res 2003; 21: 1124–30

35. Kanamori A, Sakane M, Zeminski J et al. In-situ force in the medial and lateral structures of intact and ACL-deficient knees. J Orthop Sc 2000; 5: 567–71

36. Sakane M, Livesay GA, Fox RJ, et al. Relative contribution of the ACL, MCL, and bony contact to the anterior stability of the knee. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 1999; 7: 93–7

37. Harner CD, Irrgang JJ, Paul J et al. Loss of motion after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Am. J. Sports Med 1992; 20: 499–506

38. Mohtadi NG, Webster-Bogaert S, Fowler PJ. Limitation of motion following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. A case-control study. Am. J. Sports Med 1991; 19: 620–625

39. Sachs RA, Reznik A, Daniel DM et al. Complications of knee ligament surgery. In Knee Ligaments. Structure, Function, Injury, and Repair. New York: Raven Press, 1990: 505–520

40. Kurimura M, Matsumoto H, Fujikawa K et al. Factors for the presence of anteromedial rotatory instability of the knee. J Orthop Sci. 2004; 9: 380–5

41. Warren LF, Marshall JL. The supporting structures and layers on the medial side of the knee: an anatomical analysis. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1979; 61: 56–62


1 Klinik für Orthopädie, Behandlungszentrum Bewegungsapparat, Universitätsspital Basel, Schweiz

2 Klinik für Orthopädie, Spital Oberengadin, Samedan, Schweiz

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