Übersichtsarbeiten - OUP 05/2014

Die Behandlung der Rhizarthrose

4. Hansen TB, Vainorius D. High loosening rate of the Moje Acamo prosthesis for treating osteoarthritis of the trapeziometacarpal joint. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2008 Okt; 33: 571–4

5. Epping W, Noack G. Chirurgische Therapie der Sattelgelenksarthrose. Handchir Microchir Plast Chir 1983; 15: 168–76

6. Burton RI, Pellegrini VD. Surgical management of basal joint arthritis of the thumb. Part II. Ligament reconstruction with tendon interposition arthroplasty J Hand Surg Am. 1986; 11: 324–32

7. Merle M, Rehart S. Chirurgie der Hand. Rheuma-Arthrose-Nervenengpässe. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme-Verlag 2009: 26–58

8. Flatt AE. The care of the arthritic Hand. Quality Medical Publishing Inc St. Louis Missouri 1995

9. Sigfusson R, Lundborg G. Abductor pollicis longus tendon arthroplasty for treatment of arthrosis in the first metacarpal joint. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg 1991; 25: 73–77

10. Wollstein R, Watson HK, Martin RT, Taieb A, Pankonin D, Carlson L. Long-term durability of tendon arthroplasty with excision of the trapezium in stage 1 osteoarthritis of the thumb CMC joint. Ann Plast Surg. 2009; 62: 358–60

11. Zancolli EA. The trapeziometacarpal joint. Tenotony oft the accessory tendons in early osteoarthritis Hand Clin 2001; 17: 13–43


1 Klinik für Plastische Ästhetische und Handchirurgie, Klinikum Lemgo

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