Übersichtsarbeiten - OUP 11/2016

Prospektive Untersuchung zur Therapiebedürftigkeit von Osteoporosepatienten im Hinblick auf die DVO-Leitlinie 2014

8. Hadji P; Klein S et al.: The bone evaluation study (BEST): patient care and persistence to treatment of osteoporosis in Germany. International journal of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics 2013; 51: 868–72

9. Hallberg I, Rosenqvist AM, Kartous L, Löfman O, Wahlström O, Toss G: Healthrelated quality of life after osteoporotic fractures. Osteoporosis Int 2004; 15: 834–841

10. Poole KE, Treece GM et al.: Denosumab rapidly increases cortical bone in key locations of the femur: a 3D bone mapping study in women with osteoporosis. Journal of bone and mineral research 2015; 30: 46–54

11. WHO (World Health Organisation) Scientific Group: Prevention and Management of Osteoporosis. WHO Technical Report Series 2003; 921. Geneva: 57


1 Fachkliniken Hohenurach, Abteilung Orthopädie, Bad Urach

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